Book trailers and awards

I’ve been trying to figure out something this week and I wonder if people can help me. Every year, we hear about the winners of the Kirkus Book Video Awards. The winners are always posted on B&, too. The strange thing about it is that because it’s sponsored by Random House, only Random House books get used in the videos.

I did a little investigating, and it looks like it’s actually a contest for film students to create storyboards, and RH provides $4000 to the finalists to make book trailers based on three books coming out from Delacorte, which are then judged. This is, of course, a cool and legitimate use of a contest—and the resulting book trailers are always cool*—but what I want to know is: why are Kirkus and B&N involved in it? It seems like an in-house contest at RH, and putting Kirkus’s name on it makes it seem as if it’s a wider competition for books published by a more diverse set of publishers.

What I’d really like to see is an award for book trailers that allows anyone to enter a trailer for consideration. Like the Academy Awards of book trailers. I think book trailers are really coming into their own. I really love seeing the results of this Kirkus/RH contest* and this year they’ve even started using the spots as commercials on TV—The Maze Runner’s trailer was a commercial on the SyFy network during a Twilight Zone marathon, which I think is the perfect use of a book trailer. (And it’s so much more interesting than the old book commercials with just a picture of the book and a voiceover. We can do so much better than that as an industry, can’t we?) So where is the wider application of this idea, or perhaps a tweaking of it (because this one is really more a competition for film students)?

So, anyone know if there’s an award out there already that focuses more on the book trailers themselves rather than being a publicity vehicle for one publisher (and it’s a good publicity vehicle, don’t get me wrong—I just wonder if there’s something that’s a true award for publishers/authors to enter)? One that focuses on the book trailers themselves, about books from any publisher?

If not, shouldn’t there be one? I think it would be a good thing to think about.

*Here’s one of this year’s winners, The Maze Runner by James Dashner, to give you an idea of the quality work that comes from the RH competition:

Dragon books

I’ve been a bit busy with the day job (we’ve been trying to get 7 books out before leaving for Christmas break—we all get the week between Christmas and New Year’s off—and it’s been a scramble) and finishing up the very last of the critiques (I have a small handful left that I want to get back to authors on before Tu opens for submissions). So it’s been a little quiet around here, sorry! But perhaps it’s a relief after all those posts about the Kickstarter. 🙂

Today I break radio silence to build a book list. My sister reports that my five-year-old nephew is going through a dragon phase. He already has A Practical Guide to Dragons (how could he not? I think I gave a copy to every relative who wanted one, and then some), along with the one I edited, A Practical Guide to Monsters. My sister called while in the bookstore, looking for books to go with a Christmas present, and I could only think of the Dragon Codex books I edited. I didn’t even think of the Dragonology books off the top of my head, which would be perfect for him—some reading, but a lot of tactical exploring, as well. So now I’m putting together a list of books for her to look up at the library.

He’s only five, so picture books are welcome for the list. I’m just not as well-versed in them, so I don’t have a great lot of suggestions in that category. I’d love early readers and chapter books, because he can work on those on his own (though he might need help for some of the more advanced ones). They also read aloud a lot together, so suggestions for middle grade novels are definitely welcome.

Dragon Codex books by R.D. Henham (Red, Bronze, Black, Brass, Green, Silver, and Gold)—full disclosure: I edited these. They’re GOOD. And so of course they go at the top of the list. 😀
How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell
How to Speak Dragonese by Cressida Cowell
Dragonology (& all related books)
Kenny & the Dragon, Tony DiTerlizzi
Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville
Puff the Magic Dragon (picture book—we loved the song as kids)
Dragon Rider by Cornelia Funke (I *knew* she had a dragon book!)
Fablehaven series by Brandon Mull—fun of all sorts, dragon doesn’t come in until most recent book
St. George & the Dragon by Margaret Hodges & Trina Schart Hyman
Magic Treehouse #37: Dragon of the Red Dawn (they love Magic Treehouse in their house–my nephew’s older brother devoured practically the whole series)

I know there are more out there. Suggest away!
Also, happy holidays! Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah (late), happy Kwanzaa (is it over yet? I’m afraid I’m unfamiliar with it), and happy new year to you all.

Kickstarter funded! Thank you!

I just woke up to see that our Kickstarter has been fully funded with 11 hours to go. You guys, I’m speechless. I went to bed knowing we had $2000 left to go, and wondering if we’d make it. iStock_000009849257Small


So, a big thank you to everyone who made this happen: All the people who tweeted, blogged, and shared on Facebook about it; all the people who participated in the auction; and especially all the people who pledged. We’ll officially be open for submissions from writers come Jan. 1 because WE MET THE GOAL!

For you writers: keep an eye on the Tu Publishing blog, where we’ll be posting official submission guidelines in the next few days!

58 hours to go!

Cross-posted from Tu Publishing:

A big thanks to Alana Joli Abbott, who arranged the online auction to benefit our Kickstarter campaign, and to everyone who donated something or who bid on the items in the auction.

Now that the auction is over, we’re still heading toward the home stretch in our Kickstarter campaign. As of writing this, we are at $6502 with 58 hours to go! That means we are $3498 short of our $10,000 goal. Can we make it in 58 hours? Well, we jumped about 25% up in the last several days, so it’s very possible!

Several people have been asking why we’re doing this Kickstarter campaign. Mary Robinette Kowal said it best over on her blog:

Once upon a time, someone starting a new publishing house would either have a personal fortune or would seek large private investors. Crowdsourced fundraising allows the masses to chip in for projects they believe in.

When we start out, we’ll have a lot of friends who we know helped us out, who will be rooting for us to succeed. It’s because of all of you that we’ll be able to do this. So, thanks for your support so far, and thanks for the help you’ll give us to be able to reach the goal.

Tu Publishing in the news, last day of auction

Cross-posted from the Tu Publishing website:

We’ve gotten a little press lately: the Galesburg, IL, Register-Mail and the Galva, IL, Galva News recently ran stories on us. Stacy Whitman, our editorial director, grew up in Galva, so the stories are local interest–focused.


Galva native Stacy Whitman is starting a small press in Orem, Utah, dedicated to multicultural fantasy and science fiction books for children and young adults. The editor of more than 20 books for children and young adults, including the New York Times bestselling picture book “A Practical Guide to Monsters,” Whitman hopes to address a gap in the children’s book market with the company.

“Fantasy has a long history of being drawn from the folklore and fairy tales of Europe,” Whitman said. “J.R.R. Tolkien’s classic ‘Lord of the Rings’ novels, inspired by Norse and British folklore, have spurred two generations of adventurous fantasy books. However, many other cultures in the world also have enthralling folklore with the potential for reshaping and inspiring modern stories.”iStock_000010849371XSmall

The press hopes to be open to submissions from writers as early as January 2010. Looking for a different way to raise capital for the company, Whitman is raising money with a project on

Also, just a quick reminder that if you intended to bid in the Kickstart Tu auction, today is the last day! Remember, every winning bid is a Kickstarter bid, so you also get the rewards from the Kickstarter level that you bid at.

If you want to head directly to the Kickstarter, we have until Dec. 14 for that.

Kickstart Tu with holiday gift-giving

I came down with bronchitis over the weekend (even had to go the hospital—yikes!) and haven’t been able to post the way I intended to. Now that I’m home, I am still recovering, but wanted to remind everyone that we’ve only got about 2 weeks left on our Kickstarter campaign. If you’ve been thinking about donating, and you’re starting to think about holiday gifts, consider the Kickstart Tu auction, especially for the writer or book lover in your life. They’ve got all sorts of great stuff, including handcrafted mugs, made-to-order crocheted Alice in Wonderland dolls, a FULL YEAR of advertising on YA (& Kids!) Books Central, out-of-print children’s books and a folklore pack, and writing critiques and line edits. Oh, and don’t forget the giant box of manga for that manga and anime lover in your life! I plan to add some D&D and Star Wars minis later this week, and if you’re a Brandon Sanderson, Jim Hines, or Howard Tayler fan, you’ve got the chance to get a Garden Ninja Studios customized mini from the Mistborn, Goblin Quest, or Schlock Mercenary worlds.

In addition to winning an auction, you’ll also get the rewards from the Kickstarter level at which you donate—for more on how the auction works, check out the rules here.

The auction ends Dec. 9th, to make sure that the donations to the Kickstarter have enough time to go through.

If you don’t have money, but do have something you’d like to donate to the auction, please feel free. And either way, please spread the word among your friends and family—we’ve only got a few days left, and a long way to go!

Thanks for all your support! With your help, we’ll be able to get up and running!

With a little help from my friends

Cross-posted from the Tu Publishing blog:

So many kind people are helping us succeed here. Today’s news comes from two places:

Shen’s Blog, who interviewed Stacy Whitman for the Multicultural Minute. Shen’s Books publishes multicultural literature, focusing especially on Asian stories.


Alana Joli Abbott, who started a Livejournal auction to benefit our Kickstart project. There are already several things being auctioned. (Wow, guys! The list keeps growing every time I go over there! So far, there are a giant box of manga (SIXTY volumes!), a short story or novel chapter critique, photo cards, and just now I saw a folklore bundle added.)

Cross-posting this from Alana’s Livejournal, here’s the scoop:

Dear Friends,

Any of you who follow my livejournal know that recently, I had the opportunity to have guest post about her plans for her new publishing house: Tu Publishing. The mission is admirable: the books put out by Tu Publishing will feature multicultural heroes and heroines, helping science fiction and fantasy for children and teens become a more diverse genre. Young readers should be able to find fantasy and science fiction where their own culture is reflected in the world of the novel, and the goal of Tu Publishing is to offer just that. (You can read more about the goals on Tu’s mission page.)

Here’s the catch: every publishing endeavor needs capital to start. Stacy is using Kickstarter as a fund drive to get the project started. As of today, she’s reached 29% of her goal, and only 25 days remain for contributions! That’s where we come in.

In order to help her reach her goals, this community has been formed to auction off items, services, crafts, and other various and sundry offerings, with all the proceeds going to the Tu kickstart page. We hope to help Stacy and Tu reach the goal of $10,000 by December 14th.

How can you help?

1) Donate something to our auction.
2) Bid on something donated to our auction.
3) Spread the word! Get lovers of fantasy and science fiction to pop by!

Contributors decide on the starting price and the end time of their auction. Because the turn-around is so soon, auctions will begin as soon as the listing for the offering is posted.

Auction winners will make a donation directly to the Tu Publishing Kickstart page and send the receipts to the contributor.

Thank you so much for your support!

The rules are here, and all the auction winners will be announced by Dec. 9th.

Announcement: Now closed for critiques

Given the demands on my time from a number of directions, I am now closing for new critiques indefinitely. I still have several critiques I’m working on that I need to get back to the authors on; if you’re one of those people, I apologize for the wait. You will be hearing from me soon. For anyone with whom I haven’t made a payment arrangement or agreed to do a critique, I apologize that I won’t be able to assist you.

To be able to have the time I need outside of my day job to start Tu Publishing, I need to reserve my evenings after the day job for that, once I finish the critiques that are in the current queue.

If you are local to me in Utah, I plan to recontinue the seminars on writing and publishing that I have done in the past. I’ve meant to schedule another one soon, but I’ve been swamped, and haven’t been able to do so. Seminars use much less of my time than one-on-one critiques, and so I’ll be able to schedule those much more freely in the future.

If you aren’t in Utah and would like me to come to your area for a seminar on writing and publishing, please contact me at stacylwhitman AT, and we can discuss the particulars. Generally, you’ll need at least 20-30 people for a general seminar, and 10-15 people for an in-depth seminar.

My sincere thanks to all those authors with whom I’ve had the chance to work one-on-one this last year. I enjoyed reading your work, and I hope that my feedback was useful as you work toward publication.

Why I can’t recommend you to an agent

Sometimes I get emails from people who are just starting out in the publishing process. I understand the frustration that comes when from seeing that practically every publisher requires agented submissions. If you aren’t sure where to start, it can be daunting to try to find information on publishing through Google (Writer Beware covered this a while back, and they’ve got some good points—there are a lot of self-publishing and disreputable agents that show up at the top of such searches).

But the solution is not to approach a publishing house or a specific editor to ask (or even sometimes demand), “If you won’t read my manuscript, then recommend me to an agent so I can get you to read my manuscript!” I can’t even do this for relatives/friends/relatives of friends without knowing their writing really well (and even if I know their writing well and think it’s good enough to be published—a rarity—I would generally be more likely to recommend someone’s writing to a fellow editor, rather than an agent).

I don’t feel qualified in helping writers find agents, and in fact feel that it’s a conflict of interest to make such recommendations. Agents recommend writers to editors. An agent is a writer’s advocate in contractual negotiations. The publisher shouldn’t interfere with that relationship. (For a different kind of hypothetical example, even if I were to feel that a writer’s agent might not be doing a very good job, it’s not my place to suggest that the writer find a new agent; the very nature of my position as a representative of a publisher makes my opinion biased, even if writers would say the same thing about the agent.)

Also, it’s important to remember that most editors/companies who have limited their submissions to agented-only have a good reason for the requirement: usually they need a way to limit the quantity of their submissions while ensuring the quality. This means that they’re pretty busy people, and it’s kind of absurd to expect them to give personal attention to every single request for information. It just can’t be done, and allow them to do the work that makes the company money as well. While it may only take “a few minutes” of their time, multiply that by a thousand or ten thousand, and the noise crowds out the work getting done.

We understand, though, that getting published is a frustrating, sometimes opaque process for those who haven’t discovered the rich resources of the internet—or who have googled “publishing” and been hit by completely unreputable results. Finding information on getting published on the internet can be really hard if you don’t have a single place to start. This is why editors and agents who blog do what we do—to provide a source of general information and conversation about the industry that can usually answer most questions, especially the basics of the submission process.

If you do find a single place to start—for example, if someone you know says, “Check out the website of this editor I know!”—it can be tempting to hope that this connection will subvert the frustrating hunt for information. However, if you hunt a little deeper (well, really, if you made it to my website, you should have come to my blog first, rather than to the page that shows my email), you’ll find that the blog—and even more, the whole blogosphere/Twitterverse—provides a wealth of information that can set you on your path without having to rely on an email from an overworked editor for a reference she feels that ethically, she can’t give.

So let’s discuss some of the first places you should be looking, if you’ve gotten this far, for information on how to get published in the children’s and young adult market, which should spiderweb out to a number of different resources through links and references in blog posts and Twitter feeds.

First place to start for children’s and YA writers: the SCBWI main page. That page should lead you to links for your local SCBWI, which should lead you to information on local meetings, writing groups, conferences, and other events–including conferences at which agents and editors are in attendance. Join a writing group, join the local listserv, and start absorbing all the riches of reliable information your fellow writers have to share.

The next place to go is just as important as the first: Harold Underdown’s The Purple Crayon. This is such a complete resource that I often just recommend these two sites (SCBWI and this one) for people just starting out looking for information on getting published in children’s and YA books. Harold wrote The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Publishing Children’s Books, has been an editor for years (several years at Macmillan, Orchard, and Charlesbridge, and now a freelancer), and has been maintaining the Purple Crayon for many years, at which you can find information on topics from the basics through the entire publishing process and on to figuring out agents.

A new essential resource I’ve started adding to the list is Agent Query. The site seems to be down at the moment, but I got through at a back door—but the database, which is its most useful feature, doesn’t seem to be working. Keep checking back on it, because it is a great resource for writers starting out on the agent-querying process, with information on writing a query, how to avoid scammers, and a full search of agent listings by genre and several other considerations.

Also note that plenty of blogging authors discuss how to find an agent (and when the appropriate time is in your writing life to find an agent). Google the authors who your work would fit in with most, and start listening to what they say about their writing process, about how they got started in their career, about how they found an agent—you’ll find a lot of good information there, and links to resources that will be much more useful than a quick Google search. Mentors are definitely out there.

Keep an eye out on Preditors and Editors, as well.

If you’re looking for an agent, you should be reading the blogs and Twitter feeds of at least a few of the many agents out there offering advice. Here is a list, in no particular order:

There are SO many more that I’m definitely forgetting, but it’s getting late (I started to write this last night and fell asleep in the next paragraph, actually), and you should be able to follow the conversations on these blogs and feeds to get a sense of who else is out there to follow. Between all of them, writers new to the publishing end of things can get a great education, and all for free.

Who am I missing on the agent list? Please include links to Twitter feeds for agents who don’t have blogs. (I’m linking blogs for people who have them, Twitter feeds for those that don’t have blogs. Those who have blogs might also have a Twitter feed, but truth is, it’s 1 am and I’m hieing myself to bed, and I’ll worry about that tomorrow.) I’ll add the links to the list tomorrow as time permits (which I have, but it’s still incomplete). Also remember that Twitter has become a really great source of information on publishing from a number of publishing folks who don’t have as much time to blog, but who can participate in more scattered conversations throughout the day. For a full list of all the publishing people on Twitter, check out … I can’t find the link of the page that has them all listed. Hopefully someone will know what I’m talking about and give me the link, because I have to run out the door right now and run some errands.

Elf insurance

I haven’t been keeping up well with my LiveJournal friends list. Every time I think I might, I get daunted by how long it’s been since I’ve caught up, and of course the cycle continues. And Facebook and Twitter are much less of a time-suck because they’re more easily skimmable while juggling other day-to-day responsibilities. But I love the conversations that happen in the children’s lit blogosphere, so I’ve been trying to dive back in and catch bits and pieces, the way I do on Twitter. I’ve heard the flow of information on Twitter described as “trying to drink out of a firehose,” and the way many handle it (including me) is looking at it as a river flowing by: you can dip in and drink from the river, but you can’t drink the whole river. You can’t fit it all in, but you can grab a little bit as it floats past.

That gave me what I have to share with you today:

Via Janni Lee Simner, we have Jo Walton’s giggle-inducing elf policy, which then leads us to elf insurance (“when the seven-year itch meets the seven-year tithe…”).

Also, we’ve got a new post up over at Tu Publishing, interviewing author and blogger Cynthia Leitich Smith on writing cross-culturally, living in a multicultural world, her influences, and new multicultural voices to watch out for.