Many of you have written to ask about the recent announcement about the Wizards of the Coast publishing program. (See the official news release if you haven’t heard about it.) As you can see, the Discoveries imprint will cease publishing at the end of the year, and Mirrorstone will now focus solely on books inspired by the lore of Dungeons and Dragons, such as the Dragon Codex books and The New York Times best-selling Practical Guide series.
As a result, Mirrorstone’s submission needs have changed. We’ve updated our submission guidelines, which I’m pasting below. Hopefully this will answer most questions people have had.
Mirrorstone™ Books for Young Readers
Submission Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in publishing with Mirrorstone™. Mirrorstone is the children’s/young adult imprint of Wizards of the Coast. We are distributed by Random House, Inc.
Mirrorstone will be shifting direction beginning in 2009 to focus exclusively on publishing novels for young readers inspired by the lore of Dungeons & Dragons. We will continue to publish our Practical Guide series as well as other spin-off series such as the Dragon Codex books, and Forgotten Realms related novels like the Stone of Tymora trilogy.
Though we are no longer able to consider series proposals and standalone manuscripts, we are always looking for talented writers to work with us on the series we develop. We welcome writing samples from writers who wish to work with us on a work-for-hire basis.
Submitting Your Sample
If you are interested in being considered as a writer for one of our series, please send a sample of your writing. We require three chapters from a completed novel for middle-grade or young adult readers (preferably within the fantasy genre) and a one- to two-page plot synopsis.
Your work should be typed, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins. On the first sheet, please include your name, address, phone number, and email address. The pages should be numbered consecutively, with your
name and an abbreviated title somewhere on each page.
With your sample, please include a cover letter, providing some context for the sample you’re submitting (a short overview of the novel it is from and any other relevant information). Include a list of any relevant writing credits. You will need to also submit an unaltered signed legal agreement, included on the website (22k ZIP/PDF) at:
Send submissions to:
Mirrorstone Books
P.O. Box 707
Renton, WA 98057-0707
We are not able to accept samples by email.
Please do not send only a query letter; it will be returned to you with a copy of the submission guidelines. We cannot judge your work without a writing sample.
What Happens Next?
Due to the volume of submissions we receive, we are unfortunately no longer able to respond to every sample. If you wish to know that your sample was received, feel free to include a stamped self-addressed postcard that we can drop in the mail to notify you of your sample’s receipt.
If your writing seems like a good fit for us, we will contact you. Please don%E