A blog fashion show

Spent the afternoon at a conference at my church. The best kind of church singles’ conference is one in which you don’t actually focus on the “trial” of being single. My friend Cindy arranged for a coworker of hers, who happens to be the photographer at Seattle University, to come and teach us a class on digital photography. We spent four hours this afternoon talking about photography and picking his brain and then walking around the Seattle Temple grounds taking pictures. (We’d considered going to the Bellevue Conservation Gardens, but the temple was right next door to the conference so that saved us travel time.)

I found some nice shots of various things. My favorite from the afternoon:

And it doubles as a fashion show because I get to show off my new shoes and socks. I grabbed  Mary Janes on clearance yesterday the sa
me day that I happened to walk into J.C. Penney on a day they were having a 50% off (almost) everything sale. I walked away with entirely too many shirts (but granted, not as many as I walked into the dressing room with). And my personal Trinny/Susannahs would be proud–they follow all the Rules. And I got a great skirt. If “Trinny” and “Susannah” are reading this right now, yes, I’m bringing the clothes to Toronto and I intend to show off. 🙂

I am tempted to make that into a usericon. It would be kind of fun. But not tonight. I’ll have to post the other pictures later, because I’ve come to accept that I simply won’t get packed tonight before midnight. I’m off to Toronto at 6 tomorrow morning. If you come to the show, see you there.

Driven in by bees

It is such a lovely day today. Warm sunshine, flowers blooming… did I mention how warm it is? Lovely. So I took the manuscript I was editing and headed outside to the courtyard. The tables were already in the shade, though, and I wanted true warmth. I wanted Vitamin D, I tell you! 

And I got it, for about an hour. After a while, though, I realized it was getting really painful to read from the brightness. But it wasn’t until the bees came out that I decided it was time to come in. Actually, I think it might have been wasps, but I didn’t stay long enough to find out. The flowers behind the bench I was sitting on were blooming quite nicely, so I hope it was bees, but it could have been wasps attracted by the trash bin that was about 50 feet away.

Still, perhaps I got some nice color out of it, and perhaps my bones will thank me later. (Don’t you need vitamin D for calcium absorption? Maybe I’m just associating that in my head because milk always has vitamin D added. I knew the answer to this once.)

So now I’m
back inside, gazing longingly out the window (that’s a perk–I have a cubical by a window, and mostly my view is of treetops, though at the right angle it’s also of the front parking lot). But I’m off to relocate once again to the soft chairs in our library, which are the next best place to edit a manuscript compared to sitting outside in the beautiful sun. 

I’ve missed you, sun. Stay for a while.

Lost-ness, walks, and laser pointers

So I had kind of lost faith in Lost. I didn’t watch it for a long time. But people at work were talking about it as if it were getting interesting again, so a few weeks ago I caught up on all the episodes I could online, and I’ve been watching it with my roommates. And I think it’s redeeming itself. Lots of good surprises, and they’re actually tying up some loose ends, such as just what the Dharma initiative is (kind of, or at least, where they went). But man, today’s episode? Creepy and kind of frightening. I hope it all comes together, but I have a feeling the last episode of the season (episodes? I don’t know how many are left) will leave me hanging.

Went for a walk around Green Lake tonight with a friend, and it was *so* nice to get out in the sunshine! I’ve got so much to do before I leave town this weekend, but I feel so much better for taking a break.

Got a laser pointer yesterday as a cat toy. This has been recommended to me before, but I didn’t know if my cats would really go for it. Surprisingly, Mogget, he of the “sniff, I’ve seen it all” p
ersonality, went wild over it. I’m afraid the batteries that came with it weren’t very strong, though–it was going visibly weak after just a few hours’ play (well, over the course of several hours, so it was actually not that many minutes, either). I think I might go grab a couple cheap watch batteries–the batteries that came with it might have been sitting around for too long and just gotten weak. But if only I’d thought to video his chasing it, because it was like he was a little kitten again. (He’s only just under two years old now, but he stopped being kittenish when I got Tildrum, who had enough energy for both of them.)

Good amusements for an evening, I must say. 😀 Now I need some sleep.

I’m afraid I won’t have much to say this week, as I have lots of work to do, tying up loose ends before heading out to Toronto on Sunday. 
But I might share with you a few links and a few pictures. Eventually. Pictures of what? Perhaps my overflowing desk? The beautiful sunny day outside that is wooing me? Don’t worry, I’m holding firm, sitting in my air-conditioned cube and going through a copyedit so I can turn over a book to typesetting.
Speaking of, I have to get back to that. More later. And perhaps pictures. Why not? I have to use the camera I’ve been hauling around for a couple days somehow. Which reminds me, I have a gift card for the camera store that I should go spend before leaving for Toronto. Suggestions for things to see if I have time? I’ve never been there and really don’t know anything about it.

Second Life

Oh, and a note: I’ve been hearing so much from places like the YALSA blog and the news about Teen Second Life (which only allows teens, which is a nice safe place online for them) and Second Life, so I decided to give it a try a few nights ago, created an avatar and played around with the world for an evening. Does anyone here have experience with Second Life? What do you think of it? How does it compare to something like World of Warcraft (which I haven’t tried out)? 

I had fun playing with the avatar and everything, but it’s kind of scary for me, honestly, to walk around in a virtual world where there are other people who probably know what they’re doing more than I do. I’m a slow learner on stuff like that and I like playing with it, but I don’t really like the idea of having to stand on the street in full view of other people while trying on new looks for my avatar. Couldn’t there be some way of leaving the gam
e part and playing with your avatar before re-entering the world? It’s like changing your clothes on the street.

I do like the idea of being able to have your own little corner of the world, building a house or starting a business or something. But it seems like something that would really take a lot of time. How would you ever get anything else done?

Wondering where I’ve been?

So have I. How did it get to be Friday already? One moment I was hurrying into the office on Monday morning, trying to get there early to get back to a problem I’d had to leave behind at midnight Friday night–yes, I left the office last Friday at midnight, yikes!–and the next moment it’s Friday and I’m finally, finally taking a little bit of time to go through some manuscripts that people have been patiently waiting to hear back from me on.
The last couple of weeks have been full of me running from meetings to putting out editorial fires. Crazy things happening at the last minute that push everything else aside until you figure out what happened. Quick thinking on the part of everyone involved to make it work. Big sighs of relief when you know the book will still make it out on time, and even in excellent shape.
I’m sure if you work in another industry you can still sympathize. Sometimes it all comes piling up at once. Then you get a moment to breathe and realize just how much you need to catch up on to balance things out!
My goal for the weekend is twofold: to read, read, read, and to
sleep, sleep, sleep. I also just remembered that I am teaching a Sunday School class for my church this Sunday, which means some of that reading will be non-work related. But the goal is to get as many responses out so that my submission pile is once again under control. Then on to more editing, and I will at last be caught up before heading out of town next week. 
So if you’re waiting on hearing from me, thanks again for your patience.

What not to wear: Seattle edition

I just returned–well, a couple hours ago now–from an outing to the mall. Me, the mall. Yes. This rare occurrence usually only happens when I have some occasion I’ve decided I need an outfit for, like the Christmas party that made me realize I had nothing nicer than a three-year-old granny-style dress I (sadly) wore to a friend’s wedding. It had been a June wedding, and I couldn’t find a thing that year that would look any nicer on me.

This trip was also motivated by an event, actually. In just under two weeks, we’ll be heading up to Toronto for the IRA show–International Reading Association, that is–and I wanted to find something a little nicer than last year’s pants and the tops that I’d bought pre-grad school. Nice as they are, they’re starting to fray.

The problem is that I never seem to be able to find good clothes consistently. I’ll make good finds, and then I’ll have a string of wasting money on clothes that seem okay when trying them on, or I’ll buy them out of desperation to just have something so I can go home. I have a closet full of clothes I wore once but never wore again because they didn’t fit right after one washing or I’d forgotten to sit down while trying something on, or any number of other silly mistakes. Then there’s the whole question of whether a color is right for me, or a cut, etc.

We’d been talking about What Not to Wear at work and I joked that I should have them come do me, but that I wanted Trinny and Susannah, not Stacy and Clinton (I just prefer the British one, for a number of reasons I won’t enumerate). But who has the money to spend what they give their people? ($5000 for the U.S. show, £2000 for the U.K.)

Coworker Shelly to the rescue! She has a WHOLE lot more fashion sense than I do, and also just plain knows how to shop. She’s Trinny and Susannah in the clearance racks, and knows how to be stylish on a budget (but also a little bit Stacy and Clinton in holding firm!). She and my other coworker Nina and I made an evening of it, and I think it’s the first time in years I’ve actually had fun while shopping. She also insisted that I must allow myself to get cute shoes, and she helped me go beyond my boring basic black or brown loafers. I even came home with a skirt and a shirt, and I’m going back tomorrow to pick up a few more things I’d left on hold (they’re cheaper tomorrow!).

So if you see me at IRA, you’ll know I have Shelly to thank for all that style.

The reason I tell you all this is because not only is Shelly amazing with fashion–she’s an author, too. Her book, Confessions of a Part Time Sorceress, comes out in September. If you’re a girl who’s ever played D&D, or who has ever thought perhaps playing D&D wasn’t for you, either way this book is for you. I personally never played a game of D&D until starting this job–had lots of friends who were gamers, but I didn’t understand it. This book is for the girl I once was two years ago (which was the time I started playing in our department’s weekly Eberron game–and it’s been such a blast!) and it’s for the girl I’ve become, 9th level monk about to take a vow of poverty and all (who still has to ask, “can I do this…?” so it’s not like I’ve become an expert). It’s not a Mirrorstone book, but it’s very teen friendly, too! Funny, observant, and all sorts of other adjectives that I can’t think of this early in the morning. Her alter ego, Astrid Bellagio, has a MySpace page where she keeps
a blog of her latest adventures and distractions in the game. Go check it out!

FAQ: "Requested" material

Let’s talk about what constitutes “requested” material. I’ve had it happen numerous times where someone will send me an email here and ask a question about a submission. I try to answer most of those questions on this blog in a general way that will benefit a number of readers, and I think it’s worth it to get these questions out to a wider audience to leave that email address up there. I hope this also helps the person asking the question.

Sometimes, though, I’ll get an email that says, “Can I send you something?” giving me the details that really constitute a query, and I point the person to the submission guidelines. (Though sometimes I wonder how they found the email address right under my bio saying “Go here for our submission guidelines” and didn’t seem to see that link.) And sometimes we’ll get snail mail queries with just the query letter, so we do the same thing–send a standard “here are the submission guidelines” letter, pointing out that if they don’t include a writing sample, we can’t consider the submission.

In either case, the response pointing the writer to the submission guidelines is not a “request” for their material. “Requested material” means that I’ve specifically said to the writer, “I liked your sample. Please send the full manuscript.” Anything else before that point is politely asking the person to follow the directions for submitting.

I don’t request so much material that I don’t remember what I’ve requested, so writing “requested” on an envelope of material I didn’t request just makes me question if you know how to find our submission guidelines and follow the directions.

I understand that some publishers ask for just a query, and some for samples, and some for full manuscripts, and it can get confusing.  

But the directions are out there on how each publisher prefers to receive submissions, and they’re for the writer’s benefit–if I don’t have a writing sample, no synopsis is going to make me know whether I want to say yes or no. So if I said I’d take just queries for unagented submissions I’d have added a burdensome step for my submissions reading. That’s just how we prefer it.

By following the guidelines a publisher provides, you make sure your writing will stand out, and that’s what’s most important.

And for good measure, our submission guidelines are here.

Shakespeare challenge

I’m home sick today, coughing up a lung, and being completely bored. There’s a strange program on the arts channel right now of muddy wild horses, silent except for the classical music accompanying the footage. I don’t recognize the composer, but it’s a violin concerto. Now the horses are gone and I’m seeing terracing ala the Andes. Maybe this is the Andes. Except there’s a lot of sandstone that makes me think of Utah. Except that it’s too green for Utah–greenery growing on the sandstone. Well, I mean, too much greenery. Of course, I usually saw the Moab area in mid-summer, and who knows, this might be such a red rock desert in full spring.

“Scicilienne” and Ber… Ber-something by Fuare. They just put it up on the screen like a music video.

All that is to say: daytime TV when you’re sick and a captive audience, not so interesting, except to tell yourself stories. I’ll be less bored later when I pick back up the book I’m editing, Tiffany Trent’s book two of Hallowmere, By Venom’s Sweet Sting. But I’ve been too out of it up till about now to think about

Huh. The Discovery channel has a program on about how erasers are made. Who knew? It’s not the rubber of an eraser that allows it to erase, but the vegetable oil in the eraser–it allows the rubber to rub away, taking the pencil marks with it. Okay, you can learn a few things, too.

Anyway, I thought I’d join on the Shakespeare meme that

found at Miss Erin’s.

Strike = I’ve read the play
Bold = I’ve seen or been in the play on stage / I’ve seen the film

All’s Well That Ends Well
As You Like It
Comedy of Errors
Love’s Labour’s Lost
Measure for Measure
ant of Venice
(I think? It was in grade school, if so. I barely remember it)
Merry Wives of Windsor
Midsummer Night’s Dream 
Much Ado about Nothing (First Shakespeare I ever read, in the 4th grade, in an attempt to become the smartest kid in the world. Yes, I was a geek. But I loved this play and it’s still my favorite.)
Taming of the Shrew
Tempest (maybe)
Twelfth Night (definitely–both on stage and the movie, and loved reading it in college for a theatre appreciation class)
Two Gentlemen of Verona
Winter’s Tale

Henry IV, Part I
Henry IV, Part II
Henry V
Henry VI, Part I
Henry VI, Part II
Henry VI, Part III
Henry VIII
King John
Richard II
Richard III

Antony and Cleopatra
Julius Caesar
King Lear
Romeo and Juliet
Timon of Athens
Titus Andronicus
Troilus and Cressida

Huh. I could have sworn I read a whole lot more, especially of the comedies, but most of it was during that 4th grade phase (I really did think that reading Shakespeare and the dictionary would make me the smartest kid in the world) in which I read and listened to on tape everything the library had, but didn’t really understand or remember anything except the garden scene in Much Ado About Nothing. I loved that, everyone trying to fool the others and sneaking behind topiary.



Dense cat

My roommate apparently told another roommate that she thinks Tildrum is obese. Given that I’d just been noticing how much bigger Tildrum is than Mogget, this had me worried, because I had been thinking that perhaps Mogget wasn’t eating enough but that Tildrum—slight chunk that he is—was just normal. (Mogget, when you get him wet, is smaller than Tildrum, which is surprising given that Mogget is 6 months older. But since they’re both almost full-grown, I hope it’s just that Mogget comes from smaller-cat genes.)

Anyway, so I’ve been researching Manx cats tonight, trying to be sure that Tildrum is indeed just matching breed characteristics–his mother was definitely at least part Manx, a little calico sweetheart, and he was the only full-tailed kitten in the three I saw. One was a stumpy and one didn’t have a tail at all. In fact, I could have adopted his brother instead, who looked exactly like Mogget but with only a stumpy tail, but I figured that would be a little confusing.

(The picture is of Tildrum and his little family before I adopted him. His sister is on the right, the little calico—who had no tail. His brother is on the left, the little black one with a white patch. I’m almost positive that he had more white on him when I saw him in person, which might mean I’m thinking of a different kitten altogether, which might be the little ears in the back. But I think those belong to the mama cat–she seems bigger than anyone else. Tildrum is the little black spot with copper eyes in the center. It’s so hard photographing black cats. I rarely feel satisfied with anything I’ve taken of him lately.)

My discovery: Not only is Tildrum right on with Manx conformation—their longer hind legs and powerful jumping ability call for much more musclier, and therefore heavier, hindends—but I find out he totally would clean up in competition, if he had no tail. 🙂 The breed requirements listed on that page are pretty much Tildrum to a T—minus the no-tail requirement. That especially includes the “surprisingly heavy when lifted.” He’s a dense little one.

Which of course makes me go back to wondering if Mogget is dense enough. But that’s a research project for another day.