Tankborn’s first review!

TankbornTankborn received its first press review from Kirkus!

Advanced genetic engineering and upsettingly plausible caste oppression keep pages turning in this futuristic science fiction taleā€¦ A good option for science-fiction fans interested in genetic engineering, rebellion and class issues.

ETA: AND TODAY you can download the first four chapters and try it out!

Milestone day!

What do you see me holding here?


That’s right, ARCs (Advance Reader’s Copies) of Tankborn and Galaxy Games: The Challengers (book one of the Galaxy Games series). Soon we’ll be getting Wolf Mark as well, to complete the Fall 2011 ARC set of Tu Books! (And if you’re curious, yes, that’s my office behind me. I particularly like the “Come to the dark side. We have cookies.” bumper sticker I once got for being Editor GoH at LTUE. Note the ever-present stacks of manuscripts behind me.)

We have very limited supplies, so I can’t just hand them out left and right, but for those of you who chose the ARC option for our Kickstarter campaign, we’ll be getting in touch sometime in the near future to find out which one you want (don’t comment here with that—wait for an email). Copies will be going out to reviewers, of course—that’s what ARCs generally are for.

If you’re a librarian who will be at ALA in June, make sure to go to the Lee & Low booth (I’ll post the booth number when ALA is closer), where we’ll have ARCs for giving away there as well. If you’re a reviewer, librarian, parent, or teacher interested in finding out more about the books, I hope you’re on the Lee & Low email newsletter. If not, check it out HERE. By subscribing to the e-news, you will get up-to-date information on all of Lee & Low’s books (like Tu’s books!), including possible giveaways, resources for teachers and librarians, and other promotions and resources. Follow the Lee & Low blog, too, where we’ll share news as it comes up.

If you’re a reviewer or buyer who thinks you may not be on our list for review copies or catalogs, please contact me privately with your (in the case of reviewers) publication, readership, and other credentials or (in the case of buyers) store information so I can forward the information on to the right people.

And of course if you’re a young reader who thinks these books look wicked awesome (did I just date myself with that phrase?)—these books are for YOU, after all!—you can find out more about Tu on our website. And in case you missed it above, check out the preview of fall’s books HERE. And of course in the fall you’ll be able to find them in bookstores or order them online.

Tu covers!

We’ve got some exciting news over at the Lee & Low blog that you need to check out.

Also, for those who were interested in the African American genealogy conference, I promised I’d post my Top Ten Tips slides here and have gotten quite busy this week and haven’t gotten to it yet. I’ll post over the weekend. Thanks for your patience!